Revista Peruana de Cardiología is the official journal of the la Sociedad Peruana de Cardiología (SOPECARD).

It is a four-monthly, open access and peer-reviewed journal that publishes original scientific articles, in-deep reviews, letters to the editor and special sections related to basic, epidemiological, surgical, and clinical aspects in the area of Cardiology, both in Spanish and English language. 

Its mission is the dissemination of excellent scientific and academic content, for cardiologists, residents, and specialists of related ambits, on a national and an international level.

Current Issue:

Vol.47 Num.2

Original article:

M. Cecilia García-Sandoval, Walter A. Alarco-León, Miguel E. Azañedo-Velásquez, Javier A. Chumbe-Montoro, Tomás C. Gargurevich-Sánchez, Armando L. Godoy-Palomino, Héctor E. Molina-Calle, Rocío P. Laymito-Quispe, Wilbert Germán Yabar-Galindo, Marcos L. Pariona-Javier, Francis J. Rojas-Rodríguez, Luis E. Wong-Espejo, William J. Araujo-Banchon, Elena Tapia-López

Clinical guide for the diagnosis and management of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction. Peruvian Society of Cardiology (SOPECARD)


Óscar N. Aguirre-Zurita, Ladys R. Cárdenas-Lévano, Roger M. Correa-Flores, Aníbal V. Díaz-Lazo, José G. Ercilla-Sánchez, Jorge O. Martos-Salcedo, Marcos L. Pariona-Javier, Esmeralda R. Paucca-Montoya, Zoila Rodríguez-Urteaga, Enrique S. Sanabria-Pérez, Antonio A. Skrabonja-Crespo, Wilbert Germán Yabar-Galindo

Consensus proposal and position on pulmonary hypertension 2022. Peruvian Society of Cardiology

In memoriam:
